Saturday, January 10, 2009

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify the problem that could be faced by multicellular organisms in obtaining their cellular requirements and getting rid of their waste products
2 Explain the function of blood and haemolymph in transport
3 Describe the structure of human blood vessels
4 Explain how blood is propelled through the human circulatory system
5 Explain briefly how blood pressure is regulated
6 Compare and contrast the circulatory systems in the following: humans, fish and amphibians
7 Explain the mechanism of blood clotting,
8 Describe the formation of interstitial fluid,
9 State the composition of interstitial fluid,
10 State the importance of interstitial fluid,
11 Describe the structure of the lymphatic system,
12 Compare the content of blood. Interstial fliud and l
13 Predict what will happen if happen if interstitial fluid fails to interstitial fluid fails to return to the circulatory system.
14 Describe the process of phagocytosis,
15 Explain various types of immunity,
16 Describe the structure of xylem and phloem tissues
17 Relate the structure of xylem and phloem to transport,
18 Describe the process of transpiration
19 Describe the pathway of water from the soil to the leaves including root pressure, capillary action and transpiration
20 Explain how the external conditions affects transpiration.

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